Home Math 4th Grade Numbers Worksheets | Place Worth Chart

4th Grade Numbers Worksheets | Place Worth Chart

4th Grade Numbers Worksheets | Place Worth Chart


In 4th grade numbers worksheets we are going to resolve learn and
write massive numbers, signify 5 and 6-digit numbers on abacus, use of place worth chart to put in writing a quantity in expanded
kind, signify the massive quantity on the abacus, write the quantity in customary kind, write a big quantity in phrases and figures, place worth of a quantity, customary kind and prolonged type of a quantity, evaluate with one other quantity and organize numbers in ascending and descending
order, successor and predecessor of a quantity and rounding off the

We now have already learnt to learn and write the 4-digit numbers. Additionally, we’ve got learnt number-names, comparability of numbers and ordering of numbers. Let’s revise our studying earlier than we go additional:

1. Who am I?

(i) I’m the smallest 5-digit quantity: _______________

(ii) I’m the predecessor of 8,25,481: _______________

(iii) I’m yet one more than 99,999: _______________

(iv) My place worth in 9,83,351 is ten thousand: _______________

(v) I’m the biggest 6 – digit quantity: _______________

2. Fill within the blanks:

(i) 16 is a a number of of 8 and ………….

(ii) …………. is a a number of of 4 and seven

(iii) …………. is an element of each quantity.

(iv) The best issue of 364 is ………….

(v) …………. is the
smallest prime quantity.              

(vi) …………. is neither a primary or a composite quantity.

(vii) A quantity which is divisible by each 2 and three is
divisible by ………….

(viii) The least frequent a number of of and 12 is ………….

(ix) 10(^{5}) = ………….

(x) 60(^{0}) = ………….

A. Write the number-names for the next:

(i) 6,309

(ii) 4,209

(iii) 1,777

(iv) 3,408

(v) 4,011

(vi) 8,888

(vii) 9,306

(viii) 5,679

3. Write the quantity names for the next numerals.

(i) 89,53,828

(ii) 25,87,463

(iii) 341,906,235

(iv) 54,928,329

(v) 8,842,935

B. Write the numerals for the given number-names:

(i) Three thousand one hundred-fifty.

(ii) One thousand 4 hundred-four.

(iii) Two thousand 2 hundred fifty-three.

(iv) Three thousand eight hundred twenty-five.

(v) Six thousand 4 hundred seventy-two.

(vi) 4 thousand seven hundred forty-eight.

4. Write the numerals for the next quantity names.

(i) Seventy 9 lakhs ninety six thousand, 2 hundred and
thirty eight.

(ii) 4 hundred and thirty a million, 9 hundred and
seven thousand, 5 hundred and sixty three.

(iii) Two crores, seventy three lakhs, fifty six thousand,
eight hundred and seventeen.

(iv) Seventy million 4 hundred and eight.

5. Full the given desk.



Quantity identify






Three lakh twenty three thousand 4 hundred two






Six lakh ten thousand 300 seven




J. Type the best and the smallest 4-digit numerals utilizing the next digits:



Best Numeral

Smallest Numeral


2, 4, 6, 1




2, 9, 0, 8




4, 8, 6, 7




7, 6, 5, 4



6. Type the biggest and smallest 6–digit numbers utilizing the
given digits.



Best Quantity

Smallest Quantity


3,  9,  4,  1,  7  




9,  6,  1,  5,  2




3,  0,  8,  2,  7,  1



G. Prepare the next numbers in ascending order:

(i) 2916, 4531, 9814, 6005

(ii) 7308, 7038, 7348, 7304

I. Write the next numerals in descending order:

(i) 4,444; 6.666; 7,777; 8,888

(ii) 9,624; 8,400; 2,046; 3,098

(iii) 6,438; 4,846; 6,396; 9,666

(iv) 6,666; 7,077; 8,097; 9,999

7. Write the place worth of underlined digits within the given

(i) 2103

(ii) 4,00,493

(iii) 9,14,825

(iv) 2,13,921

8. Rewrite the next numbers utilizing the Indian
place-value chart.

(i) 563,789

(ii) 53,670,245

(iii) 8,634,186

9. Rewrite the next numbers utilizing the Worldwide
place-value chart.

(i) 7,28,70,246

(ii) 85,67,432

(iii) 2,68,961


10. Signify the given numbers on the abacus:

(i) 67,751     

(ii) 5,44,301

(iii) 8,54,206

C. Write every of the given numerals within the expanded kind:

(i) 1296

(ii) 2492

(iii) 3004

(iv) 5020

(v) 6999

(vi) 8248

11. Write the given numbers in expanded kind.

(i) 63,498                             _______________

(ii) 7,70,052                         _______________

(iii) 9,72,855                        _______________

(iv) 3,88,941                        _______________

(v) 8,00,527                         _______________


D. Write the brief type of every of the next:

(i) 3000 + 500 + 80 + 4 = __________

(ii) 6000 + 90 + 8 = __________

(iii) 4000 + 70 + 1 = __________

(iv) 9000 + 400 + 7 = __________

12. Write the given quantity in customary kind.

(i) 80,000 + 5000 + 200 + 90 + 6                     _______________

(ii) 60,000 + 7000 + 200 + 8                            _______________

(iii) 4,00,000 + 70,000 + 5000 + 50 + 1            _______________

H. Evaluate the numerals utilizing >, < or =

1. 1093 __ 1903

2. 4285 __ 4825

3. 6092 __ 9206

4. 4001 __ 4001

5. 1204 __ 1205

6. 9909 __ 9099

7. 8902 __ 2908

8. 4260 __ 4260

9. 4242 __ 2424

10. 3600 __ b3600

13. Evaluate the given numbers. Put > , < or = signal.

(i) 35,493      _____          34,395

(ii) 2,90,018    _____      8,10,092

(iii) 7,44,582    _____     7,12,298

(iv) 8,17,736   _____      8,30,559

14. If within the quantity 2,39,987; 3 is changed by 8 and the
hundred place is changed by 1, then what quantity is shaped? Additionally give its
quantity identify.

_______________; _______________

15. Fill within the

(i) One lakh
is a ……………………………… digit quantity.

(ii) The
distinction between the best 4-digit quantity and the best 3-digit quantity
is ………………………………

(iii) A 5
digit quantity begins with ……………………………… place.

(iv) The sum
of the place worth of two 5s in 3,58,654 is ………………………………

(v) The
successor of 5 lakh, fifty thousand, 5 hundred fifty is ………………………………

(vi) 1 lakh =
……………………………… thousand

(vii) 7 lakh =
……………………………… hundred

(viii) Type the
largest 6-digit quantity with 9 on the tens place and with out repeating any
digits. ………………………………

(ix) Type the
smallest 5-digit quantity with 0 on the hundreds place and with out repeating any
digits. ………………………………

(x) The
predecessor of seven,85,000 in phrases might be ………………………………

(xi) The
subsequent quantity within the sequence: 7,46,952, 7,57,952, 7,68,952, ………………………………

(xii) The
quantity 100 greater than 6,66,666 is ………………………………

(xiii) 1000
lower than 5,98,456 is ………………………………

16. Given
under is the world of 5 states of South India.



Space (in Sq. km)





Andhra Pradesh









Tamil Nadu


(i) Prepare
the states in growing order to their space.

(ii) Which
state has digit 9 on the place worth of hundred and ones.

(iii) Give
the quantity identify for the world of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.

Signify the world of Telangana on the babacus.

(v) Write
the world of Tamil Nadu in expanded kind.

(vi) Give
the place worth of digit 8 in space of kerala.

E. Discover the successor of every of the next:

(i) 8248 = __________

(ii) 3710 = __________

(iii) 9924 = __________

(iv) 2197 = __________

F Discover the predecessor of every of the next:

(i) 5000 = __________

(ii) 6595 = __________

(iii) 2012 = __________

(iv) 9892 = __________

17. Write
the predecessor and successor of the given numbers.





















4th Grade Numbers Worksheets

18. Write the corresponding Roman numerals.

(i) 77

(ii) 58

(iii) 29

(iv) 67

19. Write the elements of the next numbers.

(i) 26

(ii) 60

20. Prime factorize the next numbers utilizing division

(i) 256

(ii) 96

21. Discover the L.C.M of the next numbers.

(i) 26, 28, 24

22. Discover the HCF of the next numbers

(i) 96, 80

23. Add the next numbers.


      + 121684

      + 385086 



24. Subtract the
following numbers.


     –  5862412 


25. Multiply the next numbers.


         ×  329 


26. Divide the next numbers.

      56458 ÷ 15

27. Work out the next issues.

(i) The feminine inhabitants of a village is 29,646. The male
inhabitants is 276 lower than the feminine inhabitants. What’s the male inhabitants
of the village? What’s the complete inhabitants?

(ii) A e-book accommodates 468 pages. What number of pages are there in
26 books?

(iii) The entire prepare fare for 12 individuals in $4200. What’s
the fare for one individual.

Solutions on 4th Grade Numbers Worksheets are given under to verify the precise solutions of the questions. 


1. (i) 10,000

(ii) 8,25,480

(iii) 1,00,000

(iv) 8

(v) 9,99,999

2. (i) 2

(ii) 28

(iii) 1

(iv) 364

(v) 2

(vi) 1

(vii) 6

(viii) 12

(ix) 100000

(x) 1

3. (i) Eighty 9 lakhs fifty-three thousand eight hundred twenty eight.

(ii) Twenty 5 lakhs eighty seven thousand 4 hundred sixty three.

(iii) 300 and forty a million, 9 hundred and 6 thousand, 2 hundred and thirty 5.

(iv) Fifty 4 million, 9 hundred twenty eight thousand, 300 twenty 9.

(v) Eight million, eight hundred and forty two thousand, 9 hundred thirty 5.

4. (i) 79,96,238

(ii) 431,907,563

(iii) 2,73,56,817

(iv) 70,000,408

5. (i) Twenty-four thousand, 9 hundred ninety eight

(ii) 3,23,402

(iii) One lakh, eighty-four thousand, 300 5.

(iv) 6,10,307

(v) Three lakh, ten thousand, seven hundred six.


6. (i) 97,431; 13,479

(ii) 96,521; 12,569

(iii) 8,73,210; 1,02,378


7. (i) 3

(ii) 4,00,000

(iii) 20

(iv) 2,00,000

8. Rewrite the next numbers utilizing the Indian
place-value chart.

(i) 563,789

(ii) 53,670,245

(iii) 8,634,186

9. Rewrite the next numbers utilizing the Worldwide
place-value chart.

(i) 7,28,70,246

(ii) 85,67,432

(iii) 2,68,961


11. (i) 60,000 3,000 + 400 + 90 8

(ii) 7,00,000 + 70,000 + 0 + 50 + 2

(iii) 9,00,000 + 70,000 + 2,000 + 800 + 50 + 5

(iv) 3,00,000 + 80,000 + 8,000 + 900 + 40 + 1

(v) 8,00,000 + 0 + 0 + 500 + 20 + 7


12. (i) 85,296

(ii) 67,208

(iii) 4,75,051


13. (i) 35,493 > 34,395

(ii) 2,90,018 < 8,10,092

(iii) 7,44,582 > 7,12,298

(iv) 8,17,736 < 8,30,559

14. 2,89,187; Two lakh, eighty-nine thousand, 100

15. (i) 6

(ii) 9000

(iii) ten hundreds

(iv) 50,050

(v) 5,50,551

(vi) 100

(vii) 7,000

(viii) 8,76,590

(ix) 10,234

(x) Seven lakh, eighty-four thousand, 9 hundred ninety-nine

(xi) 7,79,952

(xii) 6,66,766

(xiii) 5,97,456

16. (i) Kerala,
Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka

(ii) Andhra

Andhra Pradesh – One lakh, sixty-two thousand, 9 hundred sixty-nine,

Karnataka –
One lakh, ninety-one thousand, seven hundred ninety-one,


(v) 1,00,000
+ 30,000 + 0 + 0 + 50 + 8

(vi) 8000






















18. (i) LXXVII

(ii) LVIII

(iii) XXIX

(iv) LXVII

19. (i) 1, 2, 13 and 26.

(ii) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30 and 60.

20. (i) 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 or, 28

(ii) 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 or, 25 × 3.

21. (i) 2184

22. (i) 16

23. 771302

24. 2780298

25. 18604621

26. Quotient = 3763; The rest = 13

27. (i) Male inhabitants: 29370;  Whole inhabitants: 59016

(ii) 12168

(iii) $350

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