Home Math Theoretical Chance – Definition, Clarification, and Examples

Theoretical Chance – Definition, Clarification, and Examples

Theoretical Chance – Definition, Clarification, and Examples


The theoretical chance is discovered everytime you make use of a system to search out the chance of an occasion. In contrast to experimental chance, there isn’t a have to carry out an precise experiment. 

To seek out the chance of an occasion, additionally referred to as probability of an occasion, use the system beneath:

Chance of an occasion =

variety of favorable outcomes
variety of potential outcomes

The variety of favorable outcomes is the probability to get a selected final result.

What in regards to the variety of potential outcomes? Suppose you throw a die numbered from 1 to six.

Rely all of the potential numbers you will get. That is referred to as variety of potential outcomes.

All of the potential numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Thus the variety of potential outcomes is 6.

You could possibly make up various kinds of favorable outcomes.

You could possibly say…

a. Probability to get an excellent quantity.

b. Probability to get a primary quantity.

c. Probability to get an odd quantity.

d. Probability to get a 4.

e. Probability to get a 1.

f. Probability to get a quantity larger than 4.

g. Probability to get a quantity lower than 6.

All of the above are examples of favorable outcomes.

A few examples exhibiting the way to discover the theoretical chance.

Theoretical probability versus experimental probability

Train #1

Throw a die as soon as. What’s the chance of getting a quantity lower than 6?

Ask your self, “What number of quantity are lower than 6?”

Since there are 5 numbers lower than 6, the variety of favorable outcomes is 5.

Because the die had a complete of 6 numbers, the variety of potential outcomes is 6.

Chance of getting a quantity lower than 6 =

variety of favorable outcomes
variety of potential outcomes

Chance of getting a quantity lower than 6 =


Chance of getting a quantity lower than 6 = 0.8333.

Chance of getting a quantity lower than 6 = 83.33%

Which means that it is rather possible you’re going to get a quantity lower than 6.

Train #2

A bag accommodates 6 blue balls, 4 yellow balls, and a couple of purple balls.

What’s the theoretical chance of getting a yellow ball?

Since you’ve gotten 4 yellow balls taking part in in your favor, the variety of favorable outcomes is 4.

To get the full variety of potential outcomes, simply rely all of the balls. Complete variety of potential outcomes is 12.

Chance of getting a yellow ball =


Chance of getting a yellow ball = 0.3333

Chance of getting a yellow ball = 33.33%

Train #3

Suppose you toss a coin twice. What’s the theoretical chance to get at the least 1 head?

Because you tossed the coin twice, you possibly can finish with the next outcomes





There are three instances the place the variety of heads is at the least 1 head: HT, TH, HH

Complete variety of potential outcomes: HH, HT, TH, TT 

Chance of getting at the least one head =


Chance of getting at the least 1 head = 0.75

Chance of getting at the least 1 head = 75%

Train #4

A bag accommodates 10 blue marbles, 10 yellow marbles, and 10 purple marbles.

What’s the theoretical chance of getting a blue marble or a yellow marble?

Let A be the variety of blue marbles and B the variety of yellow marbles.

P(A or B)  = P(A) + P(B)

P(A) = 10/30 = 1/3

P(A) = 10/30 = 1/3

P(A or B)  = 1/3 + 1/3

P(A or B)  = 2/3 

P(A or B)  = 0.6666 

P(A or B)  =66.66%

Train #5

A card is drawn from a deck of playing cards. What’s the chance of drawing an ace from the deck?

Deck of cards

A deck of 52 playing cards has 4 aces. Subsequently, the variety of favorable outcomes is 4 and the variety of whole outcomes is 52. The chance to get an ace is 4/52 = 1/13

Theoretical chance quiz. How good are you?



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