Home Math Two Dimensional Shapes and Strains | Aircraft and Curved Surfaces

Two Dimensional Shapes and Strains | Aircraft and Curved Surfaces

Two Dimensional Shapes and Strains | Aircraft and Curved Surfaces


Two dimensional shapes and features are mentioned right here.

All solids are three dimensional in shapes. Solids are lined by faces. Thus the outer covers of a strong are referred to as faces, i.e., surfaces. These surfaces could also be airplane or curved. The cuboid, dice and so on. have airplane floor, whereas sphere has curved floor. Some solids like cylinder have each airplane and curved surfaces.

3-D formed solids are lined by 2-D surfaces. If any two factors are joined, a line section is shaped. On this chapter planes and features will likely be mentioned.

2-D airplane figures

If the outlines of any face of a 3 dimensional face are drawn, a two dimensional airplane determine is obtained.

Two dimensional shapes

Take into account the next airplane figures

         (i) Rectangle  

          (ii) Sq.

          (iii) Triangle

          (iv) Circle

(i) Rectangle: 

The define of a face of a cuboid kinds a rectangle. It has two pairs of reverse sides i.e., it has 4 sides. The other sides are equal. It has 4 corners i.e., vertices.

Right here the identify of rectangle is rect. ABCD.

A, B, C, D are corners or vertices of the rectangle.
Facet AB = DC, Facet BC = AD.

vertices of the rectangle

(ii) Sq.:

The outlines of a dice make a sq.. All its sides are equal to one another.

It has 4 corners or vertices.

PQRS is the identify of the sq. whose sides PQ = QR = RS = SP and P, Q, R, S are 4 corners.

four corners or vertices of Square

(iii) Triangle:

A triangle has three sides and three corners.

DEF is a triangle whose sides are DE, EF and DF.

The triangle has three corners or vertices named D, E and F.

three corners or vertices of triangle

(iv) Circle:

The define of the airplane floor of a cone kinds a circle.

It has a centre whose distance from any level on the define is at all times the identical.

This distance is known as the radius of the circle.

A circle has no nook and no facet.

no corner and no side of circle

The surfaces of rectangle, sq., triangle and circle are airplane surfaces. All of the surfaces or faces of cuboid, dice i.e., books, matchbox, and so on. are referred to as airplane. However the floor of a sphere i.e., ball is curved floor. A cylinder and cone have each curved and airplane surfaces.

Colour the Geometrical Shapes:

Colour the triangles Blue

Colour the Rectangles Inexperienced

Colour the Circles Yellow

Colour the squares Purple

Color the Geometrical Shapes

● Geometry

2nd Grade Math Apply

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