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Including Numbers in Expanded Kind

Including Numbers in Expanded Kind


Study to rearrange for including numbers
in expanded type (briefly type and in lengthy type). The numbers are written in
column type; the digits are organized in expanded type after which lastly discover the
sum of the given numbers.

Solved examples on including numbers in expanded

1. Add 32 and 25


Numbers are written in column
type        T      O

                                                            3       2

                                                       +   2       5

                                                            5       7

Including ones:  2 ones + 5 ones = 7 ones 

This 7 is written in a single’s

Including tens: 3 tens + 2 tens = 5

This 5 is written in tens

Thus, reply is 57

2. In different approach, add the expanded type of the numbers 32 + 25


                32     =  30 + 2       Expanded type of the numbers

25     =  20 + 5

                        =  50 + 7

                        =  57

The numbers are written in expanded
type as 32 = 30 + 2 and 25 = 20 + 5.

Now digits of 1’s place are
added, i.e., 2 + 5 = 7.

Once more numbers of ten’s place are
added, i.e., 30 + 20 = 50

Subsequently, complete sum = 50 + 7 =

3. Add 63 and 35 in lengthy type.


Numbers are positioned in column

           63      Sum of digit of 1’s place = 3 ones +
5 ones = 8 ones

     Sum of digit of
ten’s place = 6 ten’s + 3 ten’s = 9 ten’s

Subsequently, sum =        98      =
9 ten’s + 8 ones

4. Add 38 and 61 briefly type.


                               38         Sum of digit of 1’s
place = 8 + 1 = 9

                          +   61        Sum
of digit of ten’s place = 30 + 60 = 90

sum =      99                                              = 90 + 9

5. Add 23, 31 and 44


                                23        Sum of digit of 1’s place =
3 + 1 + 4 = 8

                             +  31       Sum
of digit of ten’s place = 2 + 3 + 4 = 9

                             +  44

Subsequently, sum =        98

Extra solved examples on 3-digits for including numbers in expanded type.

6. Add 314 and 563


First the digits are organized in

Sum of digit of 1’s place = 4
+ 3 = 7

Sum of digit of ten’s place = 1 +
6 = 7

Sum of digit of hundred’s place
= 3 + 5 = 8



Subsequently, sum =     877

7. Add 361 and 527 by arranging the numbers in expanded type.


    361 = 3 lots of + 6 tens + 1

= 5 lots of + 2 tens + 7 one

 Sum   = 8 lots of + 8 tens + 8 one


or,        361
= 300 + 60 + 1

        +  527 = 500 + 20 + 7

       Sum     = 800 + 80 + 8

                  = 888

8. Add 231, 402 and 355


                    231        ones         = 1 + 2 + 5 = 8

                +  402        tens         = 3 + 0 + 5 = 8

                +  355        lots of  = 2 + 4 + 3 = 9

Subsequently, addition sum = 988

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