Home Math Space of a Trapezoid – Definition, Method, and Examples

Space of a Trapezoid – Definition, Method, and Examples

Space of a Trapezoid – Definition, Method, and Examples


This lesson will present you ways we discover the world of a trapezoid utilizing two totally different strategies.

  • Reducing up a trapezoid and rearranging the items to make a rectangle and a triangle.
  • Utilizing the system for locating the world of trapezoids.

The primary methodology will enable you see why the system for locating the world of trapezoids work.

Allow us to get began!

Draw a trapezoid on graph paper as proven under. Then, reduce the trapezoid in three items and make a rectangle and a triangle with the items.

The determine on the left exhibits the trapezoid that you want to reduce and the determine on the fitting exhibits the rectangle and 1 triangle. 

Area of a trapezoid
Area of trapezoid

Then, we have to make the next 4 necessary observations.



Base = 4
Top = 8



Size of backside base = 13
Size of high base  = 4
Top = 8


Newly shaped triangle
 (made with blue and orange strains)

Size of base = 9 = 13 – 4 = size of backside base of trapezoid – 4
Top = 8


Space of trapezoid = space of rectangle + space of newly shaped triangle.

Now our technique shall be to compute the world of the rectangle and the world of the newly shaped triangle and see if we will make the system for locating the world of trapezoid magically seem. 

Space of rectangle  =   base  × top = 4 × 8

Space of triangle     =  ( base  × top ) / 2

Space of triangle    =  [(13 – 4) × 8 ] / 2 = [13 × 8 + – 4 × 8] / 2

Space of triangle    = (13 × 8) / 2 + (- 4 × 8) / 2

Space of trapezoid = 4 × 8 + (13 × 8) / 2 + (- 4 × 8) / 2

Space of trapezoid = 8 × (4 + 13 / 2 + – 4 / 2)

Space of trapezoid = 8 × (4 – 4 / 2 + 13 / 2)

Space of trapezoid = 8 × (8 / 2 – 4 / 2 + 13 / 2)

Space of trapezoid = 8 × (4 / 2 + 13 / 2)

Space of trapezoid = (4 / 2 + 13 / 2) × 8

Space of trapezoid = 1 / 2 × (4 + 13 ) × 8

Let b1 = 4 let b2 = 13, and let h = 8

Then, the system to get the world of trapezoid is the same as 1 / 2 × (b1 + b2 ) × h

Trapezoid space system

Generally, if b1 and b2 are the bases of a trapezoid and h the peak of the trapezoid, then we will use the system under. The realm of a trapezoid is half the sum of the lengths of the bases occasions the altitude or the peak of the trapezoid.

The bases of the trapezoid are the parallel sides of the trapezoid. Discover that the non-parallel sides will not be used to search out the world of a trapezoid.

Area of a trapezoid formula

The realm is expressed in sq. items.

  • If the bases and the peak are measured in meters, then the world is measured in sq. meters or m2.
  • If the bases and the peak are measured in centimeters, then the world is measured in sq. centimeters or cm2.
  • If the bases and the peak are measured in ft, then the world is measured in sq. ft or ft2.

Examples displaying tips on how to discover the world of a trapezoid utilizing the system

Instance #1:

If b1 = 7 cm,  b2 = 21 cm, and h = 2 cm, discover the world of the trapezoid 

Space = 1 / 2 × (b1 + b2 ) × h = 1 / 2 × (7 + 21) × 2 = 1 / 2 × (28) × 2

Space = 1 / 2 × 56 =  28 sq. centimeters or 28 cm2

Instance #2:

If b1 = 15 cm,  b2 = 25 cm, and h = 10 cm, discover the world of the trapezoid

Space = 1 / 2 × (b1 + b2 ) × h = 1 / 2 × (15 + 25) × 10 = 1 / 2 × (40) × 10

Space = 1 / 2 × 400 = 200 sq. centimeters or 200 cm2

Instance #3:

If b1 = 9 inches,  b2 = 15 inches, and h = 2 inches, discover the world of this trapezoid

Space = 1 / 2 × (b1 + b2 ) × h = 1 / 2 × (9 + 15) × 2 = 1 / 2 × (24) × 2

Space = 1 / 2 × 48 = 24 sq. inches or 24 in.2

Space of a trapezoid when the peak is lacking or not recognized

Area of a trapezoid when the height is missing or not known

Suppose you solely know the lengths of the parallel bases and the lengths of the legs of the scalene trapezoid proven above. How do you discover the world? That you must make a rectangle and a triangle with the trapezoid.

Area of trapezoid when height is missing

Minimize the trapezoid into 3 items, a rectangle, and two proper triangles. Then, carry collectively the 2 proper triangles and make only one triangle. You’ll find yourself with a rectangle and a scalene triangle.

Area of a trapezoid when the height is missing or not known

Use Heron’s system to search out the world of the scalene triangle.

Space = √[s × (s − a) × (s − b) × (s − c)], s = (a + b + c)/2

a = 17, b = 10, and c = 21

s = (17 + 10 + 21)/2 = 48/2 = 24

s − a = 24 − 17 = 7

s − b = 24 − 10 = 14

s − c = 24 − 21 = 3

s × (s − a) × (s − b) × (s − c) = 24 × 7 × 14 × 3 = 7056

√(7056) = 84

Space of the scalene triangle = 84

Use the world of the scalene triangle to search out the peak of the triangle. Discover that the bottom of the triangle is 21 and the peak h of the scalene triangle can be the lacking facet of the rectangle.

84 = (21 × top) / 2

168 = 21 × top

168 / 21 = top

Top = 8

Space of rectangle is 8 × 7 = 56

Space of trapezoid = space of the scalene triangle + space of rectangle = 84 + 56 = 140

Space of a trapezoid quiz to search out out for those who actually perceive this lesson.

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