Home Biology Distinction Between A, B, and Z DNA Double Helix Construction (with Comparability Chart)

Distinction Between A, B, and Z DNA Double Helix Construction (with Comparability Chart)

Distinction Between A, B, and Z DNA Double Helix Construction (with Comparability Chart)



The A and B varieties of DNA are right-handed double helical construction, whereas Z kind of DNA is left-handed double helical construction. The DNA molecule exists in several varieties underneath the totally different situation in a cell, these variations within the conformations might be as a result of salt concentrations, hydration degree, DNA sequence, the presence of metallic ions, path of supercoiling, and so forth., within the cell.

Everyone knows the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) construction, is understood to hold the genetic info and it’s the lengthy string or chain with the mixture of the monomeric compounds or nucleotides, these nucleotides are linked collectively to kind an extended chain-like construction, which carries the data to encode the construction of proteins and thus contribute to the gene expression course of.

In keeping with the Chargaff’s rule, the 2 chains forming the DNA double-stranded construction, include the bottom pairs (A,T, C,G) which work together with one another, following the precept of complementarity the place adenine (A) varieties hydrogen bond and pairs with thymine (T), i.e. A=T and guanine with cytosine, i.e. (G=C) and thus creating the double helix. The chain thus fashioned of those base pairs could be very lengthy.

Variation within the conformation or constructions of nucleotides of DNA ends in the modifications within the construction of DNA. The construction of Double-helical DNA, exist in six totally different varieties that are A, B, C, D, E, and Z varieties. Amongst all these varieties B, A and Z are the important varieties, however B-DNA is probably the most outstanding kind, often known as Watson and Crick mannequin of DNA.

The function of different types of DNA is unclear, although it’s believed that the transitions between totally different types of DNA play an important function in gene expressions. On this article, we might be learning the distinction between the principle three important types of DNA, that are A, B, and Z, with a short description.

Content material: A Vs B Vs Z DNA Double Helix Construction

  1. Comparability Chart
  2. Definition
  3. Key Variations
  4. Conclusion
Foundation for Comparability A-DNA kind B-DNA kind Z-DNA kind
That means The sort of DNA is fashioned from the B-DNA when the relative humidity will get lowered and in addition when the heteroduplex is fashioned with the RNA. This type has 11 base pair per helix and is shorter than one other mannequin. B-DNA is an plentiful type of DNA, and it’s most studied one and current in a cell underneath widespread physiological situations, this mannequin as ten base pair per helix. The Z-form has 12 base pair per helix, and it’s fashioned underneath low humidity situations within the cell.
Helix flip Proper-handed. Proper-handed. Left-handed.
Helical diameter 26 Å. 20 Å. 18 Å.
Helical pitch (peak of helical turns) 28.6 Å. 34 Å. 44 Å.
Helical twist per base pair 31°. 36°. 51° or 9°.
Variety of base pairs per helical flip 11.6. 10. 12.
The gap between every base pair 2.9 Å. 3.4 Å. 7.4 Å.
Base pair tilt 20°. 6°. 7°.
Helix axis rotation (Main grove) Slim and deep. Huge and deep. Flat main groves.
Minor grove Huge and shallow. Slim and deep. Slim and deep.
Ribose sugar conformation C3′ endo. C2′ endo. C2′ endo for pyrimidine and C3′ endo for a purine.
Glycosidic bond conformation Anti-. Anti-. Anti- for pyrimidine and Syn- for a purine.

Definition of A DNA Double Helix Construction

When B-DNA is dehydrated, it ends in the formation of the A-DNA. It’s the uncommon kind of structural conformation. A-DNA can be the double-stranded helical construction resembling B-DNA, although in a shorter and compact kind.
The Rosalind Franklin found the construction of the A-DNA.

Structurally it’s the right-handed helix and has 11.6 base pairs per flip. The tilting of the bottom pairs is 20° away from the central axis. As in comparison with the B-DNA, the A-DNA is far flatter and wider. The helix diameter is 26 Å. A-DNA is extra secure due to the presence of the extra OH group within the ribose and at all times exist through the reverse transcription, transcription and RNA-primer annealing.

Definition of B DNA Double Helix Construction

The B kind of DNA additionally has the right-handed helix and is probably the most potent kind amongst all different sorts. Watson and Crick described the B-DNA and named by Rosalind Franklin; although this construction is often known as Watson-Crick Mannequin of DNA.

B-DNA mannequin is probably the most widespread kind discovered within the cell, and this construction is the predominant kind underneath the physiological situations just like the pH and salt concentrations current within the cell. Every flip within the B-DNA has ten base pairs spanning, with the space of the three.4 Å. The helix diameter is of 20 Å. The bottom pairs have the identical width, i.e. (A-T and G-C) 10.85 Å.

Definition of Z DNA Double Helix Construction

The Z-DNA is understood for the left-handed double helix conformation, and the polynucleotide strands of the DNA strikes in a ‘zig-zag‘ sample, and so the title is Z kind. The Andres Wang and Alexander Wealthy found the construction of Z-DNA.

Structurally the Z type of DNA has 12 base pairs per turns and 45 Å flip size. The construction of Z-DNA is reported throughout low humidity and excessive salt focus within the cells. The precise organic operate if the Z-DNA continues to be unclear, however as it’s current within the upstream of the beginning web site and so we are able to predict that it some function in gene expression.

Key Variations Between A, B, and Z DNA Double Helix Construction

Following are the most important and noteworthy distinction between the A, B, and Z types of DNA:

  1. A, B, Z types of DNA differ of their conformations, the place A and B kind are right-handed helix kind, whereas Z is the left-handed helix kind. The A-DNA is fashioned from the B-DNA when the relative humidity will get lowered and in addition when the heteroduplex is fashioned with the RNA. This type has 11 base pair per helix and is shorter than one other mannequin. B-DNA is an plentiful and outstanding type of DNA, and it’s most studied one and current in a cell underneath widespread physiological situations, this mannequin as ten base pair per helix. The Z-form of DNA has 12 base pair per helix, and it’s fashioned underneath low humidity situations within the cell.
  2. The helical diameter of A-DNA is 26 Å, B-DNA has 20Å and Z-DNA has 18 Å.
  3. Helical pitch (peak of helical turns) is 28.6 Å, 34 Å and 44Å of A, B, and Z type of DNA respectively.
  4. Helical twist per base pair is of 31° of A kind, 36°of B kind and 51° or 9° of Z kind.
  5. The variety of base pairs per helical flip in A kind is 11.6, whereas in B kind it 10 and in Z kind it’s 12.
  6. The gap between every base pair 2.9 Å in A DNA, 3.4 Å in B DNA and seven.4 Å in Z DNA.
  7. Base pair tilt is of 20°, 6° and seven°of A, B and Z kind respectively.
  8. Helix axis rotation (Main grove) is slim and deep in A DNA, whereas it’s extensive and deep in B kind and flat main grove in Z kind, with a strong core on the middle.
  9. Minor groove is extensive and shallow in A DNA and slim and deep in B and Z kind.
  10. Ribose sugar conformation or sugar pucker in A DNA C3′ endo kind, in B DNA it’s C2′ endo kind, and in Z DNA it’s C2′ endo for pyrimidine and C3′ endo for a purine.
  11. Glycosidic bond conformation in A and B kind is Anti- kind whereas in Z kind it’s Anti- for pyrimidine and Syn- for a purine.


On this publish, we got here to know concerning the three types of DNA, whereas it’s believed that other than the double-stranded helical construction, DNA additionally exists in sure uncommon shapes, that are important for the molecular recognition of DNA by enzymes and proteins. These uncommon varieties are triple-stranded DNA, four-stranded DNA Bent DNA, and so forth. This construction helps DNA to discharge its operate in an applicable means.



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